Daily Bulletin

Monday, September 9, 2024



FFA members please turn in you MUM orders to Ms. Buchheit no later than TUESDAY

Anime Club will meet today after school in the Media Center from 3:15 to 4:00. We will watch Delicious in Dungeon.

French Club-reminder our first meeting is today after school in room J107. Bring a friend!

Key Club will meet tomorrow, Sept. 10th, after school in the cafeteria. It is not too late to join, come find out what we're all about! Snacks will be provided.

Did you binge 'The Queen's Gambit' on Netflix?  Do you enjoy making friends?  Have you ever wished there was a sequel to Checkers?  If you said yes to any of these questions, then Chess Club is for you!  Our first meeting will be after school on Wednesday.

Math Team practice starting today, It will be Mondays 3-4 after school in Mr. Rosado’s room D110.

Art club will reschedule for Wednesday after school from 3-4 in the art room A100

The Junior Class will meet tomorrow, Tuesday, September 10th after school in Mrs. Love’s room H109, to prepare for Homecoming! Bring your creative juice and ideas!

9th, 10th, 11th, and Faculty/Staff picture day is Thursday in the back gym during PE, health, band, or drivers ed. Students who do not have one of those classes will need to have a photo taken before school, during lunch, or near the end of class with a teacher's permission. Senior picture day will be held on 9/27 and make up/last chance picture day on October 30th. 

Tomorrow is the last day to submit Terrier Throwback apparel orders to the Principal's Office.  Orders can also be placed online with Silkworm. 

DIAL Yearbook will have their first meeting of the year on Thursday in the Student Activities Office after school at 3:10pm. 

Punctuality Pays! This is our second week of our 0 Tardy Weekly Drawing for the month of September.  All students with 0 Tardies this week will be entered into the drawing.  We will draw 5 names from each class on Friday!  Prizes include gift cards to Amazon, Starbucks, Subway, McDonald's, Fortnite XBox cards and more!   All you have to do is get to school and class on time this week and your name is in the drawing!  

Terrier Spotlight- Mr. Clyde Hurley- he is apart of the CCHS Math Department. He teaches Statistics, Algebra 2, Financial Algebra 2, and Geometry. He helps students in Terrier Tutoring, Scholar Bowl and the Math Team.

Congratulations to

The Terrier Tennis Team competed in the Edwardsville Tennis Invite this past weekend.  After falling to Flora 5-4, the team defeated Jerseyville in a thriller 5-4 and then placed 5th overall with their 6-3 victory over Francis Howell Central!  Great job Terrier Girls Tennis!

The Terrier Volleyball team placed 4th at the 45th Annual Southern Illinois Preview Tournament on Saturday!  Jasmine Martin and Averie Summerlin were selected to the All-Tournament Team!

Zion Wilkins (1st place with a time of 16:40.98) and Sophie Krupa (4th place with a time of 20:15.63) had a great meet at the Carbondale Invite on Saturday.  Great job to all the runners and thank you for your great sportsmanship with all the other runners!  We are proud of you.

Members of the 2024 Homecoming Court! 

Senior King Candidates-

Owen Lee

Justin Grant

Antonio Ancell

Jonathan Weiderman

Luis Clark

Aaron Yager

Senior Queen Candidates-

Miana Tarver

Audrey Brumley

Deasia Patterson

Calla Cheatwood

Jasmine Martin

Kalea Marshall

Junior Attendants-

Dylan Howard

Connor Gulbranden

Logan Wright

Lilly Barr

Kaelyn Viernum

Taniyah Truitt

Sophomore Attendants-

Evan Weilbaecher

Awaab Alkhatim

Cooper Cook

Karah Shelton

Morgan Richardson

Elizabeth Snyder

Freshmen Attendants-

Will Lehman

Patrick Greene

Taym Aiti

Anne Simonds

Ashlynn Jasper

Nevaeh Shannon

Good Luck to-

Fresh/Soph Football vs. Mt. Vernon

Prior Announcements-


Have you heard about Terrier Studios! Terrier Studios oversees producing the Terrier Time videos, school hype reels, Senior graduation recaps, and many more projects. We are now looking for new members to join in the fun!  If you are interested in networking, have skills in filming, editing, writing, or just want to be involved behind the scenes, reach out to Ms. Taylor for more information. 

The first SkillsUSA meeting of the year will be next Tuesday September 10th after school in the Engineering lab H114. We will discuss the year's activities and chapter officer positions. Come check out how to be a leader in the world of work. If you have any questions

please reach out to the advisors Mr. Moberley, Mrs. Nelson, or Mr. Terry.

Punctuality Pays!   Today is the end of our 1st week of our 0 Tardy weekly drawings for September!   All students this week with 0 tardies are entered into this week's drawings to win items such as Amazon gift cards,  Xbox game cards, Fortnite game cards, Starbucks cards, and more!   Stay tuned 7th hour as we announce the winners!  

Want to win a Starbucks gift card or free yearbook?  Take the DIAL Yearbook Back to School survey.  Check your CCHS email for the link.  The survey closes Tuesday at 4pm. The winners of the drawing from those names who take the survey will be revealed on the Wednesday morning announcements.


Only a few days remain to vote for the 2024 Homecoming Court.  Several races are very close. Check your CCHS email for the ballot link and voting instructions.  The ballot will close Sunday at 11pm. The names of those who made the 2024 Homecoming Court will be announced on Monday morning. 


Attention Student Council members- Check your CCHS email for the link to cast your vote for homecoming spirit week dress up themes.  The ballot closes at 4pm today.   


Terrier Throwback apparel orders are due Tuesday, September 10th in the Principal's Office. Items can also be bought online with Silkworm.


Monday is NFL Jersey Day on Campus.  Wear your favorite team's gear.

GWC will meet today after school in the Media Center from 3:15 to 4:15. We will be learning the basics of Python and Scratch and writing a simple program in Python. 


Seniors:  [email protected]   

Juniors:  [email protected]  

Sophomores:  [email protected]

Freshmen: [email protected]

Local Scholarship Deadlines


Upcoming College/Career Visits

You will receive a pass the day of the visit you sign up for with the location. Sign up in Maia Learning, under “Events”. Contact your Class Counselor for assistance accessing Maia Learning.


·                     SIUC: 9/05 @ 2:15

·                     University of Tennessee Martin: 9/12 @ 1:15

·                     JALC Transition Program (Sr ONLY): 9/17 @ 10:15

·                     SIUC Health & Medical Careers: 9/25 @ 10:15

·                     John A. Logan College: 9/26 @ 10:15

·                     Johns Hopkins University: 10/04 @ 1:15

·                     Washington University: 10/15 @ 10:15

·                     Eastern Illinois University: 10/22 @ 1:15

·                     McKendree University: 10/24 @ 1:15

·                     University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign: 10/24 2:15

·                     College of the Ozarks: 10/30 @ 10:15


Upcoming Military Visits:

·                     U.S. Army: 9/9 @ Lunch A/Lunch B













Toasted Ravioli

Garlic Toast

String Cheese


Cucumber and Ranch




Mexican Rice

Refried Beans





Cheese Bosco Sticks


Salad With Ranch


Popcorn Chicken

Macaroni and Cheese

Green Beans

Vanilla Bears

Broccoli with Ranch



½ Day Sack Lunches



Monday 9/9-Saturday 9/14 (Week 5)




Mon. 9/9/24/6pm (Labor Day)

Fresh/Soph Football vs. Mt. Vernon


Tues. 9/10/24/4pm

Tues. 9/10/24/4pm

Tues. 9/10/24/5pm

Tues. 9/10/24/5pm

Girls Tennis @ Centralia

Girls Golf @ Herrin/Murphysboro

Volleyball @ Massac County

Boys Soccer vs. Poplar Bluff


Lake Pines

Massac County


Wed. 9/11/24/4pm

Wed. 9/11/24/4pm

Girls Tennis @ Carmi-White County

Girls Golf vs. Carterville/Anna

Carmi-White County


Thurs. 9/12/24/5pm

Thurs. 9/12/24/4pm

Thurs. 9/12/24/5pm

Volleyball vs. Herrin

Boys Golf @ Cobden

Boys Soccer @ Sikeston



Sikeston, MO

Fri. 9/13/24/7pm

Varsity Football vs. Collinsville

(First Responder Game)


Sat. 9/14/24/9am

Sat. 9/14/24/9am

Sat. 9/14/24/11am

Sat. 9/14/9am

JV Volleyball @ Waterloo Invite

Girls Tennis @ Triad Invite

Fresh/Soph Football @ Collinsville

JV Boys’ Soccer @ Marion



