December 2021 School Board Meeting Minutes


The regular scheduled meeting of the Board of Education of School District 165 was held in the Carbondale Community High School Cafeteria, 1301 East Walnut Street, Carbondale, Illinois, on Thursday, December 16, 2021, at 6:00 p.m.

Upon roll call, the following members were present:

Linda Flowers                         Christopher Swims
Wendell Pohlman (Remote)    Francis Tsung
Steven Sabens                         Julie VanWinkle

The following member was absent:  Lana Galan

Also present were:

Daniel Booth                           Ryan Thomas
Ray Toliver, Jr.          

Approval of Minutes: Motion by VanWinkle, seconded by Tsung, to approve the minutes of the regular scheduled meeting of November 18, 2021. Roll call: Flowers, Pohlman, Sabens, Swims, Tsung and VanWinkle voted yes.  Nay, none.  Motion carried.

Old Business—None

Public Comments—None

FOIA Requests: The Board received a listing of the 2021-22 FOIA Requests received to date for their review.

Payment of Bills: Motion by Flowers, seconded by VanWinkle, to pay the remaining bills for the month of November 2021; and, those available for payment for the month of December 2021. Roll call: Pohlman, Sabens, Swims, Tsung, VanWinkle and Flowers voted yes. Nay, none.  Motion carried.

Principal’s Report: Mr. Thomas reported on the following:

Semester Exams

Athletic Events

Inaugural Route 13 Christmas Classic, December 28-30, 2021

Terrier Giving Project

Superintendent’s Report: Mr. Booth reported on the following: 

Terrier Giving Project: A very generous donation was received by the Terrier Giving Project which allowed them to purchase all of the items that were requested for needy students without the financial support of the faculty and staff.  Mr. Booth expressed the district’s sincere appreciation for the donation.  

Quarantine and Isolation data through December 10, 2021:

Isolation: 4
Quarantine: 9

Isolation: 2 
Quarantine: 0

Total for School Year:
Positive Cases: 52
Quarantines: 60

Boys basketball paused activities due to two positive cases and began every other day rapid testing protocol to monitor the team.  Two more cases were identified through the protocol on the first day of testing. There were no more positive cases after that. 

Strategic Planning Dates:

The final planning team meeting will be held virtually on January 3, 2022, at 12:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m. 

The first reading of the draft Strategic Plan will be given to the Board of Education at the January meeting. 

The second reading and adoption of the Strategic Plan will occur at the February Board of Education meeting.

SRO Agreement Review Committee: The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 10, 2022, at 4:30 p.m. 

Building and Grounds Committee: The last meeting was December 13, 2021. The committee hopes to share recommendations with the Board of Education at the January Board meeting. 

2022 Graduation Ceremony: Planning has begun for the 2022 graduation ceremony. Southern Illinois University has been contacted to reserve the Banterra Center for the ceremony. There was discussion by the Board on whether to hold the ceremony at the Banterra Center or at CCHS like it was last year.  Several members said they received positive parent comments regarding the ceremony that was held at CCHS. The main concern with holding the ceremony at CCHS is the weather. Following discussion President Sabens asked Mr. Booth to contact SIU regarding the availability and pricing of the Banterra Center and to present the information at the January Board meeting.

Building and Grounds Committee—No Report

District Wellness/Physical Fitness Reimbursement Program: Motion by VanWinkle, seconded by Flowers, to reinstate the District Wellness/Physical Fitness Reimbursement Program beginning in January 2022 at the rate of $10.00 per month or the actual cost of the program if it is less than $10.00 per month. Roll call: Pohlman, Sabens, Swims, Tsung, VanWinkle and Flowers voted yes.  Nay, none. Motion carried.

Prior to the vote being taken, there was discussion by the Board if $10.00 per month was enough reimbursement incentive for employees to participate. Following discussion, it was decided to leave it at $10.00 per month for 2022 and bring the program results back to the Board for review at the December 2022 Board meeting.

Request to Solicit Bids for District Liability Insurance: Motion by Swims, seconded by VanWinkle, to solicit bids for district liability insurance as presented.  Roll call: Sabens, Swims, Tsung, VanWinkle, Flowers and Pohlman voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

Request to Solicit Bids:  Motion by Flowers, seconded by Tsung, to solicit bids for the following proposed projects per the recommendation of District Architect Paul Lunsford:

Project                                                            Estimated Budget
Maintenance Shed Addition                           $48,000.00
Stadium Storage Addition                              $35,000.00
Gymnasium Weight Room, Wrestling
Room and Storage Addition                          $200,000.00 
Cafeteria Addition                                         $1,000,000.00

Roll call: Swims, Tsung, VanWinkle, Flowers, Pohlman and Sabens voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

Request to Rebid Roof Replace. CTE Renovation, and Walnut Street Security Addition: Motion by Tsung, seconded by VanWinkle, to rebid the following proposed projects per the recommendation of District Architect Paul Lunsford:

Project                                                           Estimated Budget
Roof Replacements                                        $625,000.00
Career and Technical Education
Department Renovation                                 $1,014,165.00
Walnut Street Security Addition                    $289,973.00

Roll call: Tsung, VanWinkle, Flowers, Pohlman, Sabens and Swims voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

2021 Tax Levy: Motion by Tsung, seconded by Swims, to approve the following:

1.   Adopt the Resolution of CCHS District 165 Levy for Special Education Purposes.

2.   Adopt the 2021 Tax Levy Resolution, including the 2021 Certificate of Tax Levy, with permission to file the levy in Jackson and Williamson Counties. 

3.   Adopt the Certificate Regarding In applicability of the Truth-In-Taxation Law. 

4.   Adopt the “PTELL” Resolution, including Exhibit A, Request To Clerk Regarding Reduction of 2021 Tax Extension Pursuant to PTELL, with permission to file with the county clerks of Jackson and Williamson Counties.

Roll call:  VanWinkle, Flowers, Pohlman, Sabens, Swims and Tsung voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

Semi-Annual Review of Executive Closed Session Minutes: Motion by Swims, seconded by VanWinkle, to approve the semi-annual review of the closed executive session minutes as presented.  Roll call: Flowers, Pohlman, Sabens, Swims, Tsung and VanWinkle voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

IASB PRESS Issue 108 Bd. Policy Manual Updates—First Reading: The Board received IASB PRESS Issue 108 Board Policy Manual Updates for first reading.  The second reading/adoption of the IASB PRESS Issue 108 Board Policy Updates will occur at the January 20, 2022, Board of Education meeting.

Member Leaves Meeting: Member Pohlman left the meeting at 7:08 p.m.

2022 Spring Semester Field Trips: Motion by Swims, seconded by Tsung, to approve the 2022 spring semester field trips that are out-of-state or over $500.00 as presented.  Roll call: Sabens, Swims, Tsung, VanWinkle and Flowers voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

Resignations/Retirements: Motion by Swims, seconded by Flowers, to accept the following resignations/ retirements as presented:

a. Retirement of Jo Carol Deniston (Teacher Aide) effective December 13, 2021.

b. Resignation of Austin Hardwig (Maintenance Technician) effective December 31, 2021.

c. Resignation of Sarah Chang (Teacher Aide) effective December 31, 2021.

Roll call: Swims, Tsung, VanWinkle, Flowers and Sabens voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

Employment of Teacher Aide: Motion by Tsung, seconded by Flowers, to employ Kamen Rosada pending receipt of his Illinois Professional Educator License, as a Teacher Aide at the rate of $13.80 per hour for the 2021-22 school year. Roll call: Tsung, VanWinkle, Flowers, Sabens and Swims voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

Employment of 2021-22 Extra-Duty Personnel: Motion by Swims, seconded by Flowers, to employ Aaron Lee as an Assistant Girls Basketball Coach for the 2021-22 school year with a stipend of $3,418.00 as presented. Roll call: VanWinkle, Flowers, Sabens, Swims and Tsung voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

Employment of 2021-22 Rebound Grant Personnel: Motion by VanWinkle, seconded by Tsung, to employ the following 2021-22 Rebound grant personnel as presented:

Peninnah Nelson, Parent Educator/Home Visitor
--Contingent upon adequate grant funding and timely receipt of those funds. The hours will be reduced during the summer or until adequate student enrollment is achieved.
--37.5 Hours/Week @ $17.00/Hour
--Employment Period: January 3, 2022-July 31, 2022

Roll call: Flowers, Sabens, Swims, Tsung and VanWinkle voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

Employment of 2021-22 RPSSS Grant Employee: Motion by Swims, seconded by VanWinkle, to employ Colten Nolen as a 2021-22 Restorative Practice and Student Support Specialist grant employee as presented, contingent upon adequate grant funding and timely receipt of those funds. The employment period will be January 3, 2022-June 24, 2022 (up to 120 days) with a salary of $24,000.00 ($200.00/Day). Roll call: Sabens, Swims, Tsung, VanWinkle and Flowers voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

2021-22 Volunteers—None

Executive Session—None

Closing Comments—None

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:16 p.m.

Minutes Approved: January 20, 2022